Tis the season they say. My best friend passed away a few years ago and I have seldom felt Joy since. Sure, I have felt happy or silly and have laughed at a good joke, but that is entirely different from true Joy. When I first became a Christian and freed myself to Christ's love was the first time I experienced Joy. The second time was when I made a commitment to live a cruelty-free lifestyle. I hadn't had the pleasure in quite some time until the Lord blessed me this week. One instance was when I was telling stories about animals to my baby nephew. The second was a few nights ago when I was driving home from work. I was singing gospel/worship songs and was elated by joy and overcome with peace.
So today and all season long I wish you and your family Joy and Peace.
I appreciate your blog. My wife and I also wish you joy. When bad things happen, like losing a best friend, it's hard- but remember, that actually, Jesus is your true best friend, and the Bible promises us that He will never leave you or forsake you. If you thought of this friend as more important than Jesus, that is actually idolatry.
Abraham Lincoln, who was a Christian, once said "Most people are about as happy as they make up their minds to be." And yet, he sometimes struggled with feeling depressed, experienced much hardship and trouble, and died an early death. (But isn't it great they we will be able to meet him in heaven?)
It can be kind of overwhelming for a Christian here in the big city. We want to share God's love with people, but if we spend all our time with the people of the world, it is like a log being removed from the fire. Without other on-fire people around, our own flame will gradually diminish
Thank you so much for your comment. It made me think. :) God bless and have a merry Christmas.
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